CV Writing Services in Malaysia offer professional CV writing service in Malaysia. Our experienced HR professionals will craft a professional CV suitable for UAE job market.
It is said that the average number of applicants for any position exceeds 200. In today’s market however, this number has jumped as high as 1100 per vacancy.
As a result, employers will spend on average, between 15 & 20 seconds reviewing a CV to determine if they want to keep on reading – putting the most qualified applicants at risk of being screened out at the very initial stage because their CVs fail to get the employer interested.
A professionally written CV should do two things:
1. To grab the attention of the employer within 5-10 seconds of examination
2. To set you up for an interview
Always remember that your CV is your sales document which aims to give a company a first impression of your qualifications. A company will decide to invite you — or reject you — for a job interview based on the impact of your CV.
What we will do to help:
Whether you are out of work, facing redundancy, actively seeking employment or returning back to the employment market a professional CV prepared by a consultant widely experienced in understanding the requirements of employers & HR departments, is an investment well worth making.
Our professional CV Writing Service will provide you with a dynamic CV within 72 hours specifically customized to meet the requirements of employers within your target job market.
CVs will be analyzed and rewritten to ensure it follows the 6 main principles underlying sales and marketing campaigns:
– Purpose: your career destination
– Packaging: helping your CV stand out from the rest
– Positioning: ensuring your CV flow is reader friendly
– Punch: your “hot buttons” or power information
– Personality: improving your CV to have a personality of its own
– Professionalism: Your CVs overall look & feel!
The outcome? A high impact CV which meets the requirements of employers within your target job market. We will effectively promote your key capabilities and achievements to improve your chance of being invited to an interview.
Our professional CV writers will keep in touch with you throughout the entire process to dig the information and facts that will increase the striking power of your CV.
Are you ready to make this investment towards a better and high rewarding future? Obviously YES!
Fill in the form below and we will contact you with details on how to get a Professional CV for you.